Gaelic Aware at the Scottish Parliament #gàidhlig #gaidhlig

Claire Murrie from our Public Information and Publications Team recently attended a Gaelic awareness workshop run by the National Collections Gaelic Initiative.

 Latha math!

Claire ann an Loch Obha

Claire ann an Loch Obha

Last week, Scottish Parliament staff were given the opportunity to attend a Gaelic awareness workshop as part of the National Collections (National Museums, National Library and National Galleries) Gaelic Language initiative.

Participants were complete beginners and the course offered a valuable insight into basic conversational Gaelic, the linguistic roots of Celtic languages and Gaelic speaking demographics in modern Scotland.

Scottish Parliament attendees learned how to say where they work,

Tha mi ag obair ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

I work in the Scottish Parliament

 … and other important phrases!

Is toil leam briosgaidean

I like biscuits

 Most importantly it raised awareness and understanding of Gaelic in the workplace and offered a collaborative opportunity for Collections staff and Parliament staff to discuss the benefits of their Gaelic Language Plans as well as the importance of Gaelic moving forward.

Tapadh Leibh to the Taighean-tasgaidh, Leabharlann is Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba for a very informative day.

Claire Murrie